HOTEDD Board of Directors, April 2011

HOTEDD Board of Directors, April 2011

What is the Heart of Texas Economic Development District?

HOTEDD delivers information, collaboration, coordination, and training among economic developers, communities, businesses, and individuals in our service area: Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone, and McLennan Counties. The Honorable Justin Lewis chairs our Board; our President is Russell Devorsky.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Honoring Robert Gordon

At its meeting last week, the HOTEDD Board honored Robert Gordon with the following Resolution:

Whereas, the Honorable Robert Gordon has served his nation, state, and community over many years; and,

Whereas, Mr. Gordon, a Korean War Veteran, served his nation honorably; and,

Whereas, Mr. Gordon, a distinguished educator for several decades has helped and enriched the lives of thousands; and,

Whereas, Mr. Gordon, was a council member in the City of Lacy-Lakeview and served on several local and regional boards and councils; and,

Whereas, Mr. Gordon, a charter member of the Heart of Texas Economic Development District Board of Directors, and chaired the Recycling and Environmental Committee and made major contributions to the success of the District board; now,

Therefore, be it resolved that the Heart of Texas Economic Development District Board of Directors does hereby and hereon honor and commend Mr. Robert Gordon for his exceptional and dedicated service.

Thanks, Bob, for all your work for your community and this Region!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Economic Gardening: an article from

This is an article by Nick Voges, published on 1/6/11 on It captures the concept of Economic Gardening, which is a practice that fits very well with the Heart of Texas Region's values and strengths.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Images Needed for HOTEDD Web Site!

One of the dimensions that will be added by our new web site will be the ability to tell a visual story about our Region. That story will only be as good as the information and images we collect - so this is your call to action! If you have or encounter images of your community, industry, or lifestyle that would help us tell the Region's story, please send them! If you need our contact information, please respond to this post and we'll follow up with you.
Thanks so much!